Health and Safety
Statement of Intent
Tier Group aims to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety, and welfare of our employees while they are at work and of others who may be affected by our undertakings.
At Tier Group, all people have a responsibility for creating a safe work environment by striving to achieve zero tolerance towards hazards, incidents, and accidents in the workplace.
To ensure the principles of health and safety are clearly understood throughout, the company will be committed to:
Demonstrate leadership and commitment through all its managers and supervisors.
Continually monitor KPIs to strive to achieve an accident-free workplace.
Ensure effective communication of health and safety matters throughout the organization;
Encourage and maintain a safe work environment, including work conditions, practices, and procedures for all employees and persons who come into contact with Tier Group.
Develop awareness of best practices for Health and Safety throughout Tier Group.
Take all practicable steps to eliminate hazards within the workplace through hazard identification, risk assessment, control, and monitoring to ensure ongoing effectiveness.
Comply with all applicable health and safety statutory requirements as a minimum.
Strive to continuously improve occupational health and safety management.
Involve all our people in occupational health and safety management through consultation and contribution to identify hazards in the workplace, assessing and controlling risks as well as participating in the review of health and safety performance.
Allocate appropriate resources in the form of finance equipment and personnel and time to meet the commitments of the policy.
Employees have a duty to take care of their own health and safety and that of others affected by their actions at work. In order to achieve this, each individual employee is required to:
Comply so far as he/she is reasonably able with safety procedures and directions are given by the employer or its authorized representatives.
Not willfully interfere with or misuse items or facilities provided by Tier Group in the interests of safety and health of employees.
Must, in accordance with agreed procedures, report hazards, and accidents.
We recognize that safety is the responsibility of everyone and is not just a function of management. Employees have specific responsibilities to take reasonable care of themselves and others that could be affected by their activities and to co-operate to achieve the standards required.